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Welcome to the Official Usagi Yojimbo Website

Hello Usagi Fans,

My name is Daniel Fujii and I’m pleased to welcome you to the Official Usagi Yojimbo website!  Usagi Yojimbo has been a series that I’ve  had close to my heart ever since I started reading it when I was six years old.  It’s the longest series I’ve ever followed; which says a lot since I’ve read a LOT of Manga as well as American comics.  Being a part of this process is a bit surreal and I’d like to thank Stan Sakai for entrusting me with his beloved characters website.

I also wanted to give out a special thanks to Todd Bustillo for creating the original Usagi Yojimbo Dojo using personally crafted HTML.  Todd generously spent many hours of volunteer time keeping Usagi Yojimbo current and giving Usagi an official online presence since the early 90’s.

Additionally, I would like to thank the team at Your Design Guys who put this beautiful website together.  I gave them a vision/feeling of what I thought the website should look like for the fans, and they executed it perfectly.

There are many exciting things approaching for Usagi Yojimbo!  Sorry, no spoilers here, but definitely stay tuned!

Enjoy the site!
